Daily Writing Prompts Set # 2

The Vexed Philosopher
4 min readAug 13, 2022

Prompt 4: Your character goes down to the basement to get something and notices the pale outline of a hidden door. They open it to find an elaborate labyrinth of tunnels.

As Levi wandered into the basement, past the hellfire pits and the tortured souls, to get more toilet paper, he noticed on the back wall, nearly hidden behind the pile of dead bodies, the faint online of a door.

It glowed as he approached, eventually opening into a labyrinth maze. Not having much to do this afternoon, toilet paper in hand, he decided to explore.

As he wandered through twists and turns, he started to see the writing on the wall. The first said, “You won’t believe what direction you go next!” After a few right turns, he read, “Demons shocked by this maze!”

“Oh dear,” Levi thought, clutching his toilet paper tightly, “I’ve entered the villainous clickbait dungeon!”

You can’t imagine where he is now.

Prompt 5: Write a list of words using the “oo” sound. Write a story using as many of those words as possible.


Ok, stopping there or I’ll use the whole 5 minutes on listing all the words.
In my youth I lost a tooth,
While in a coop of a booth.

After a dual duel,
With a cool fool and a mule.

I hollered “whoop,”
And ran a loop,
Because the cool fool,
Broke a single rule.

He used a Hula Hoop and made a mule of his troupe.

Prompt 6: A lonely elderly woman traps a telemarketer in conversation. The telemarketer unsuccessfully attempts to stick to their script.

Ring ring

Old Woman: Hello?

Telemarketer: Good Morning, Ma’am. I’m from the…

OW: Oh good morning, dear. So nice to hear from you!

T: ….local internet service provider. How are you today?

OW: Oh, you know. My knees are killing me, these old bones just don’t work like they…

T: Great, I’d like to talk to you ab….

OW: used to. Oh, and let me tell you what the doctor told me on my last….

T: …out switching your service to us!

OW: appointment….What did you say about the interwebs?

T: With our service you can find information faster than ever before!

OW: Oh, no thank you. I have my trusty set of encyclopedias I got in college and they suit me just fine!

Prompt 7: What is a current news story that interests you? Set that story far in the future or on another planet, or in another dimension.

I take you now to the civilization of Acirema, on a small, insignificant planet, in a small, insignificant solar system. This civilization sees itself as being great, advanced, and future-focused.

Sadly, this is not true.

Very frequently, large swaths of the population prostrate themselves before status and relics, performing ancient rituals and incantations. The leaders deign to control the medical access of half of the population because of ancient superstitions. They separate each other by the smallest difference in their DNA that rendors minor variations in appearance.

This civilization has already forced colonization of much of their world, and are even now reaching into the universe looking for us. Beware.

Prompt 8: A character is being followed as they race between the places, trying to meet a deadline. Who is the character? Why are they being followed?

If he didn’t get there soon, he’d miss the train to his new life. He couldn’t afford to miss it. This was his last chance.

As he ran towards the station, he realized he was being followed. Twists and turns and detours and he still couldn’t shake his pursuer. Who were they?

Why were they following him? Do they know?

He could see the train just ahead, but his pursuer was gaining ground. Just as he reached the door, he went to grab his ticket, only to find it wasn’t in his coat pocket. Just then, he felt a hand grab his shoulder from behind.

“Excuse me, meester, but I believe I found your train teeckit.”



The Vexed Philosopher

Philosopher, science communicator, and social justice bard.